Well school started this week and my computer decided to accept some nasty malware on it. I spent the whole week seeing if I could get my computer going and finally decided to buy a new one and deal with the old one at a later date. So here is my new lap top that I can use to do my online college classes with. I thought it smarter to get the lap top as it would have more uses in the future. If my old one gets running then the kids can use it to play games or whatever. Now here is an important warning. The computer manufacturers are not selling computers with the discs to restore onto your computer if something bad happens (like what happened to me). I did not make my own restore discs as I was suppose to(I really do know better than this!). So now I have to purchase the Windows XP software in order to restore my old computer and get it running. The fix would have been so much easier if I had had these discs. So, if you have not made these discs yet DO IT NOW!!!!!!! That is my gentle warning to everyone reading this so that you do not have to go through what I have gone through in the last week. Now luckily I was able to save all my documents and pictures so I did not lose those but this was also a reminder that I need to back these up on a regular basis.
I like my new laptop and will get used to it but I really did not want to have to buy a new computer when mine served its purpose just fine. A definite lesson learned this week.
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