I have been reading alot of blogs lately and I was wondering how you are able to get words crossed out with a line through them . Could someone please show me how to do this? Is is something on the keyboard? Enquiring minds want to know!
I am not at all html savvy, but someone once told me to right click on what i want to know how to do, then click on View source or whatever comes up that sounds like that. Sometimes you can figure out how they did it that way.
Not sure that you really got an answer to that strikeout question?
depends on where you want to do it--a list on your template or in your post but lets assume that you meant in your post. On the edit html tab when you are composing your post you use the letter "s"
substitute < >for [ ]when you type it though like this [s]whatever you want to strikeout [/s]
If you want to do it for a list on your sidebar then locate it on the template--usually way down in all the gobbledegook--and use the same letters. Hope that helps!
I was curious about that too--your question made me go look for the answer. Try this:
I haven't tried what they suggest yet, but it sounds about right.
I am not at all html savvy, but someone once told me to right click on what i want to know how to do, then click on View source or whatever comes up that sounds like that. Sometimes you can figure out how they did it that way.
Not sure that you really got an answer to that strikeout question?
depends on where you want to do it--a list on your template or in your post but lets assume that you meant in your post. On the edit html tab when you are composing your post you use the letter "s"
substitute < >for [ ]when you type it though like this [s]whatever you want to strikeout [/s]
If you want to do it for a list on your sidebar then locate it on the template--usually way down in all the gobbledegook--and use the same letters. Hope that helps!
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