With all my deadlines pending for my quilting projects I still managed to get away for a weekend of scrapbooking with some girlfriends. This was the first time I went with this group and it was a blast. It is with my co-worker and we go to her Mom's house about 2 hrs away. Her house is wonderful and we all had a good time. I actually finished 80 pages over the weekend. I like to keep it simple because I am so far behind in all my scrapbooking. I actually have a combination of scrapbooks and pocket albums as I can not keep up with all the pictures. I worked on my youngest son's book and also the middle child's Boy Scout album. He will be working on his Eagle project this summer so I figured I better get that album done for his Eagle Court of Honor which hopefully will be this fall. Our theme for the weekend was "Look, its a chicken" so we all brought small gifts for each other that fit this theme. I made the chicken pin cushions for all the ladies. I ended up staying up late a few nights before to get them finished. I guess the story behind this theme is that we have a tendency to be talking about something and then in the middle of it interupt ourselves to say something like, "Look its a chicken" and then continue our converstation like we never stopped. It has something to do with my co-worker and her family, but I can completely relate.
I am back to quilting this week trying to finish up the baby quilts with the colored in quilt blocks from the elementary schools. These need to be done by May 15th and I believe I can get them done no problem. I will post some photos when they are complete.
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