Thursday, February 26, 2009

Long last few weeks....

Well I thought I had come home from Mexico having not gotten sick. I was excited about that and then, bang, last Wednesday night I felt miserable. Luckily it did not last too long but Thursday at work was a really rough day. I had so many things that I had to get done for Sunday services and my co-worker is out on vacation so I had no backup plan. So, being the responsible person that God made me, I worked until I got everything done. It was a good thing too because I basically worked until I could not manage any longer. This week has been much better and I am getting back to normal (if I ever could be considered normal!)

Today they are expecting a big snow storm and I just heard they are going to close school early. It has yet to start snowing. Oh well the kids will be excited about being done early. I wish I could have a snow day and still get paid!


Greenmare said...

where in WI are you? I'm just south and east of Green Bay and we got snow and WIND, and now we are getting sleet and WIND. hang in there!!!

BrendaLou said...

Hope you feel better soon!