Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Baby Quilt top

Here is the first of many quilts with the blocks from the kids at school. I used the warm wishes quilt pattern adapted to the number of blocks from each class. I like to make one quilt per class so they can display them in the classroom for awhile before we donate them. I am even thinking about asking if I can display these somewhere around town when they are done. Maybe even the library. Kids always like to see what they have helped make on display. Last year I entered a few of them in the county fair. Maybe I will do that this year too. I am having fun picking out fabrics from my stash for the rest of the quilts.


Rose Johnston said...

Janet, this quilt is gorgeous...i love the theme and the colours...u r truely inspirational!!!

Shelina said...

This is a such a nice quilt. I really admire that you are teaching the children to use their creativity and doing this for and with the kids.