Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Quilt Squares

For four years now I have been going into the elementary schools in my town and the kids have been coloring in quilt blocks for quilts for babies in need. This year the quilts will be going to Mexico to the labor camps babies. These are a few examples of what the blocks look like before they are put into a quilt. Today I went into 6 classrooms, K - 5th grade. There was a total of about 100 quilt squares colored in. I try to make a quilt for each class so that all the kids stay together with their classmates. Every year I tell myself that I will make the quilt design more interesting than just alternating a print square but last year I did about 18 quilts so I am also under pressure to get them all done. This year I am thinking about using the warm wishes design with these 6.5" squares. I have not gotten much else done on the quilting front as it seems I have been busy with everything else.

1 comment:

Rose Johnston said...

These blocks r special and so original and they r for a great cause....good luck with them, u r truly inspirational!!!