Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Coloring Quilt Blocks

Well I have been working on more charity quilts. I went to two elementary schools last week and am putting together 6 baby quilts for ABC Quilts ( . I am an area coordinator for them and really enjoy working with the kids in the classroom. This is the third year I have done it. My youngest son is in 1st grade and I of course had to include his classroom in the project. I have 4 of the 6 tops sewn together and plan on finishing up all six of them by this weekend. Saturday I am hosting a scrapbooking/project night fundraiser for the orphanage in Morelia Mexico ( I believe I will be bringing my sewing machine and not my scrapbooking to the event. We are making dinner also so will have some interuptions but should be able to get them all quilted that night.

I took some blocks to my community Women's Bible study last Wednesday and they colored in some sunbonnet sue blocks. I wanted to post the picture of the quilt top as I think it looks great if I say so myself. Some little girl should really love this quilt.

Purple is my favorite color. I am taking the top to my Bible study tonight to show the ladies. I think this one will be sent to someone else to quilt for me and then forward onto Wrap Them in Love (

I will post pictures of the kids quilts next week when they are completed. I think I am going to enter a few of them in the fair this summer. The kids will enjoy seeing them on display.